Hearts of Flesh

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17 thoughts on “Hearts of Flesh

  1. Dear Fred,

    That you for sharing the deep things of God. I have grown so much since I was introduced to you and your messages. I have been living in fear for such a long time. I used to fear God because I grew up in a works-based relationship with my earthly father, which contributed to my relationship with my heavenly Father.

    Since I have been introduced to “Christ in me as me,” it has changed my life; however, I can’t seem to relax with grace because it sounds to good to be true. I am still afraid to sin because I hate sinning, but I still sin. I guess I want to be without any sin, but that does not makes sense because why would I need a Savior in my life?

    But the struggle to be perfect is found in my belief I must please God by my works. This is why I live in fear, fear of committing a sin. There is a sin in my life I am struggling to break free of, and that one sin has become my full focus in my relationship with God. It seems unfair to focus on one thing, since 90 % of my time is sin free.

    What is your recommendation, if any?

    • Dave, I’m in Alaska visiting my grandkids and son, and haven’t been checking in with the blog. Thank you for writing and I will get back to you, but it may be a few more days. Hard to get much done with little kids running around and all the Christmas stuff. I will give you an attentive reply as soon as I can. Meantime, God’s got you! (And He’s not too worried about your “sin.” We’ll talk more later!)

    • Dear Dave,

      Pardon my delay. I am just now getting back into the swing of things. TodayI will be drafting a reply to your questions about “sin” and “sinning.” What you have described is common to countless others, too. Just this to let you know “I’m back” and soon a fuller answer will appear.
      Much love,

  2. Having been a Christian since 2001, but having a couple of “falling away’s” along the way, I wish I’d had the book “Hearts of Flesh” back then. There is so much clarity about the New Birth, the Spirit and the spirit and Oneness. It’s unveiled to me a lot of misunderstood scripture, and for this I’m am very grateful. Not only well-written, but often heart-warmingly poetic. I thank you that you made it freely available as I have limited means.

    I pray Gods every blessing on you, you’re family and your Ministry.

    • Thanks, Nicholas, for writing and sharing with me. I’m obviously glad you have found some helpful things. Let me know if I can clarify something I wrote, etc. Blessings!

Thank you for your comment.