Travels with John Bunting 2

Travels with John Bunting 2

This is the second batch of some of the pictures I have taken of John Bunting and others in our travels together all over the United States and a bit of Canada, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our living Galatians 2:20 reality of being in union with Him. We took our first road trip together in November 2000, though I couldn’t join John full-time until October 2005. From that time until recently we rode thousands of miles together, with Boyd Williams joining us many times, as well as others, coast to coast, all with one aim, to share our liberty in union with Christ and exemplify the love of God in encouragement of the saints. Here below is a collection of pictures that represent some of the places we went and people we were with. (There is more work needed on this. Captions, descriptions, etc. Hopefully I can go back over this and fill in all this info.  I am not used to media files on WordPress. At the moment to look at the pictures click on them, then click the back button or arrow to go back to this menu, then select the next picture. There is a better way and I’ll find it but for now use this bulky way. They’re wonderful pictures of John and our friends, so whether it takes a little extra trouble or not it’s worth it to have these remembrances of John.)