ATTENTION: NEW TDog-and-pony-showRIP


by Fred Pruitt

 John Bunting and I are taking our “show” on the road again, beginning in late February. I really should probably call it a “tripette,” since this will be a short one, but I think the three places we go, each for a couple or more days, will be extra special because of it. The Spirit will just have to concentrate all the light and power He usually doles out on our trips, into fewer days. I’m sure He’s up to the task!

We’re in mid-February now and though I live in a pretty temperate climate, spring fever begins building in earnest about now. We have had a much colder winter thus far, than the last few have been. I’m pretty sure that last year at this time, we had daffodils. Just 4 days ago we were covered with snow and ice, and it might have slowed the daffodils, but I have a feeling we’re going to start to see them soon.

So it’s no accident that we travel south to Florida this time of year, where we might stand a chance of seeing the sun and even wear shorts in February or March. Maybe.

But of course that isn’t why we go. We love the scenery wherever we travel but of course it is always background. I love history and archaeology and a whole host of other stuff, and we pass places in our travels where we could stop and enjoy delving into some of that, but we pass it by.

What we are really doing is going out and visiting our dear relatives. Not the relatives of the flesh, but our relatives of the Spirit. Yes, we are there to give our “bit,” but we are also there to bask in everyone else’s “bit,” as well, since we are all Christ in us, the Same Spirit, manifesting in and as each of us! So we go to get a little deeper into that as well as experience the touch and see the eyes and faces of every beloved brother and sister. “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you love one another.” (Jn 13:35). John quotes Jesus saying and using that phrase 10 times in his gospel and letters.

But that is what it is all about. It is not about doctrine, or teaching, or building a ministry, or increasing outreach or any of that stuff – though we may use or do all those things. We realize that it is not IN those things, and the things are only a means to and end, or a demonstration of the truth we speak, which, according to John, filters down to one thing in its practicality: “that you love one another, as I have loved you.” (Jn 13:34).

Our first few days, starting February 26th – March 1st, we will spend in the Sarasota area. Several get-togethers have been planned by the host, Mic Fuller and others. Please email Mic for details.

From there, we will travel to the Melbourne/Palm Bay area, March 2nd – March 4th. Please contact Ben Williams for meeting times and info.

From there, we’ll head out of Florida into Alabama to see our friends, David and LeOla Postlethwait, in Wetumpka, near Montgomery, Wednesday evening, March 5th. We always have a very easy and free time there. We’ve had many interested folks in and out, with many staying around, over the past few years we have known and been visiting Wetumpka. For details contact LeOla, at

1.     Sarasota Area Feb 26th – Mar 1st.

Contact: Mic Fuller,

2.     Melbourne/Palm Bay Area, Mar 2nd – Mar 4th.

Contact: Ben Williams,

3.     Wetempka, Alabama, Mar 5th – Mar 7th.

Contact: LeOla Postlethwait,

 Thank you again for all your prayers, faith, encouragements, and various forms of support that the Lord uses to provide our ways and means. It is all precious to us!

In the love of Jesus,


Voice in the Wilderness Blog:




  1. Hi Fred. Pam and I are looking forward to attending your March 2-4 Melbourne Fl. trip. Could you please let us know the exact address and times of the meeting? I contacted Ben but he wasn’t sure about that information. Thank you and we can’t wait to see you guys again. Love, Patrick and Pamela


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